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- Julie Rainsbury

King Arthur

- Gwyn Thomas, Margaret Jones

Hiding Hopcyn

- Eiry Palfrey

Legend and Landscape of Wales: The Mabinogi

- John K. Bollard, Anthony Griffiths

Seven Welsh Folk Tales

- Richard Eastwood

With Madog to the New World

- Malcolm Pryce

The Story of Dafydd ap Gwilym

- Gwyn Thomas, Margaret Jones

Rapping on the Window

- Chris S. Stephens

Legends from Wales Series: The Changeling

- Malachy Doyle

Weird Tales from the Storyteller

- Daniel Morden

Tales from Wales

- Rhiannon Ifans

Celtic Heroines

- Jenny Sullivan

Cities in the Sea

- Siân Lewis

The Legends of King Arthur

- Rhiannon Ifans

Giant Tales from Wales

- Brenda Wyn Jones

Following Blue Water

- Jenny Sullivan
£4.95 £2.00

The Back End of Nowhere

- Jenny Sullivan
£4.95 £2.00
21-39 o 39 1 2
Cyntaf < > Olaf