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Ffeithiol Plant

20 Colourful People of Wales

- Natalie Jones

Wondrous Women of Wales

- Medi Jones-Jackson

How Wales Beat the Mighty All Blacks

- James Stafford

Factfile Cymru Pack

- Amrywiol/Various

Wicked Wales Series Pack

- Catrin Stevens

Factfile Cymru: Welsh Sports

- Alun Wyn Bevan

Wicked Wales: The Quarrelsome Celts and the Rapacious Romans

- Catrin Stevens

Factfile Cymru: Place Names of Wales


A Child's Dylan Thomas

- Phil Carradice

Wicked Wales: The Appalling Victorians

- Catrin Stevens

Factfile Cymru: Homeland Wales

- Elin Meek

The Wild West Show

- Phil Carradice

Factfile Cymru: Animals in Wales

- Elin Meek

Wicked Wales: Woeful Wales at War

- Catrin Stevens

A Treasury of Welsh Heroes


Wicked Wales: The Troublesome Tudors and the Sleazy Stuarts

- Catrin Stevens

All the Colours of Light

- Carolyn Davies, Lynne Bebb
£7.99 £3.00

All the Colours of Light Artpack

- Carolyn Davies, Lynne Bebb

Coal House Diary

- Gwen Cartwright
£9.99 £4.00
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