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The Cinemas of West Wales

- Alan Phillips

Wales – 100 Remarkable Vistas

- Dyfed Elis-Gruffydd

A Welsh Wander

- Tom Davies

The Lions Rugby Quiz Book

- Matthew Jones

Wales in 100 Places

- John Davies, Marian Delyth

Factfile Cymru Pack

- Amrywiol/Various

Rarebit & Rioja: Recipes and wine tales from Wales

- Dylan Rowlands, Llinos Rowlands

The Hills of Wales

- Jim Perrin

The Pen y Gwryd Hotel: Tales from the Smoke Room


Wenglish: The Dialect of the South Wales Valleys

- Robert Lewis

Cyflwyniad i Ymdopi â Gorbryder

- Brenda Hogan, Lee Brosan

Cyflwyniad i Ymdopi ag Iselder

- Lee Brosan, Brenda Hogan

Byw yn fy Nghroen

- Amrywiol

Serch a'i Helyntion

- Meredydd Evans

Rhannu Straeon am Ddementia

- Lucy Whitman

Ga i sôn am ddementia?

- Jude Welton

Ymdopi â Phroblemau'r Cof

- Dr Sallie Baxendale

Wil ac Aeron

- Heulwen Davies

Bwytai Cymru

- Lowri Haf Cooke, Emyr Young

Dathlu / Celebrate

- Lisa Fearn, Aled Llewelyn
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