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A Haven from Hitler

- Heini Gruffudd

Fifty Years Within Station Limits

- John M. Morgan

Dinefwr - A Phoenix in Wales

- Gerald Morgan

The Surnames of Wales

- John Rowlands, Sheila Rowlands

Wales and World War One

- Robin Barlow

Looking for Wales

- Gerald Morgan

Dylan Thomas - The Pubs (hardback)

- Jeff Towns, Wyn Thomas

Dylan Thomas - The Pubs (paperback)

- Jeff Towns, Wyn Thomas

Owain Gwynedd Prince of the Welsh

- Roger Turvey

All Black and Amber - 1963 and a Game of Rugby

- Steve Lewis

Castles in Wales: A Handbook

- Gerald Morgan

No Job for a Little Girl

- Rosemary Scadden

Land of My Fathers

- Gwynfor Evans

Welsh Place-Names Unzipped

- Brian Davies

A New History of Wales: Buildings and Places in Welsh History


Cardiff before Cardiff

- Jon Pountney, Alun Gibbard

Who Beat the All Blacks?

- Alun Gibbard

St Nicholas: A Glamorganshire Parish

- Neil Walklate

Slaying the Dragon

- Robert W. Griffiths

Welsh Place Names and their meanings

- Dewi Davies
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