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Welsh History

Swansea and the Second World War (e-lyfr)

- Bernard Lewis

Aberfan ebook)

- Gaynor Madgwick

Tryweryn: A Nation Awakes (ebook)

- Owain Williams

Owain Glyn Dŵr - The Last Prince of Wales (ebook)

- Peter Gordon Williams

The Broadcasters of BBC Wales, 1964-1990 (ebook)

- Gareth Price

Charles and the Welsh Revolt (ebook)

- Arwel Vittle

Dic Penderyn (ebook)

- Sally Roberts Jones

Flame in the Mountains (ebook)

- H. A. Hodges

Hands off Wales (ebook)

- Dr Wyn Thomas

Llywelyn the Great (PDF)

- Roger Turvey

On Dragons' Wings (e-book)


Towards and Independent Wales

- Independence Commission

Ar Drywydd Twm Carnabwth - Hanes Dechrau Gwrthryfel Becca (e-lyfr)

- Hefin Wyn

Cymry o Fri - Hanes 50 o Gymry ysbrydoledig (pdf)

- Jon Gower

Cyrchu Annibyniaeth Cymru (e-lyfr)

- Comisiwn dros Annibyniaeth

Y Diarhebion - Casgliad o Ddiarhebion Cyfoes / A Compendium of Contemporary Welsh Proverbs (e-lyfr/e-book)

- D. Geraint Lewis

Y Digymar Iolo Morganwg (elyfr)

- Geraint H. Jenkins

Ewyllysiau Cymraeg (e-lyfr)

- Gerald Morgan

Llyfr Du Cymru Fydd / The Black Book of the New Wales (elyfr/ebook)

- Llywelyn ap Gwilym

Merêd: Dyn ar Dân (elyfr)

- Eluned Evans, Rocet Arwel Jones
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