Many people, understandably perhaps, assume that railways consist solely of locomotives, rolling-stock and the infrastructure to enable them to function; few seem to recognise the workforce. Apart from a handful of prominent men -financiers and engineers in the main - those who brought all the hardware to life are rarely acknowledged. In a very small way, this booklet aims to redress a little of this imbalance by devoting some attention to a few of the personalities associated with the old Corris Railway, a narrow-gauge line now being restored in mid Wales. It also provides an opportunity to present a further and unexpected selection of photographs of former days, the majority of which have been unpublished hitherto. The old Corris operated in the beautiful Dulas valley, along the former Merioneth-Montgomery border and midst scenery which thankfully remains largely unspoiled. Whilst never a major railway, the Corris was undoubtedly a most attractive and colourful line and, happily, there are early indications that the newly-emerging railway will continue in a similar vein.