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A Welsh rhymes dictionary including simple guidelines about rules relating to the Welsh Language and writing poetry in strict metre. A brand new edition of a volume first published in 1978; edited and revised by Alan Llwyd.
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Odliadur dil-ail ydyw, Mawr ei werth i'r Cymry yw.
- Y Prifardd T. Llew Jones
Cannwyll i'r bobl, canllaw 'r beirdd, A deorfa cadeirfeirdd.
- Yr Archdderwydd a'r Prifardd Dic Jones
O'r stôr rugl rhestri eglur Dylai pawb gael odlau pur.
- O. M. Lloyd
A Welsh rhymes dictionary including simple guidelines about rules relating to the Welsh Language and writing poetry in strict metre. A brand new edition of a volume first published in 1978; edited and revised by Alan Llwyd.