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From Amroth to Utah

- Roscoe Howells

Holy Ways of Wales

- Jim Green

Snowdonia: Myth and Image

- Anthony Griffiths

The Origins of the LMS in South Wales

- Denis Dunstone, Gwyn Briwnant Jones

Welsh Canals: Then and Now

- Dennis Needham

The Celtic Revolution

- Peter Berresford Ellis


- Bethan Phillips

A Private Language? - A Dip into Welsh Literature

- Marion Eames
£11.50 £5.00

Pembroke and Pembroke Dock - Postcards of Yesteryear

- Brian Cripps

Pigs and Ingots

- Tina Carr, Annemarie Schöne

Was Wales Industrialised?

- John Williams

Police Conspiracy

- John Osmond

Schools in Wales 1500-1900 - A Social and Architectural History

- Malcolm Seaborne
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