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Llywelyn the Great (PDF)

- Roger Turvey

The Lost Welsh Kingdom (ebook)

- John Hughes

The Man in Black (ebook)

- Dylan Rhys Jones

The Miners Strike Back (e-book)

- Kevin Dicks

Nanteos: The Dipping Pool (e-book)

- Jane Blank

Nigel Owens - The Final Whistle (ebook)

- Nigel Owens

On a Dark Night With Enough Wind (ebook)

- Lilla Pennant

On Dragons' Wings (e-book)


Out at the Bright Edge (ebook)

- Caroline Clark

Park Life (ebook)


Perfect Architect (ebook)

- Jayne Joso

Rebuilding the Celtic Languages (pdf)

- Diarmuid O'Neill

Return from Darkness (ebook)

- Graham Jones

Rick O'Shea: It's All Rugby (ebook)

- Rick O'Shea

The Rise of the Welsh Republic (e-book)(PDF)

- Derrick Hearne

Rugby Lives (e-book)

- Simon Thomas

Rugby's Greatest Mavericks (ebook)

- Luke Upton

Saving Rugby Union

- Ross Reyburn

Secret Shelter (ebook)

- Rob Gittins

A Servant of the Governor (Ebook)

- Paul Duthie
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