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Whatever The Weather

- Derek Brockway
£14.99 £9.99

Beloved Tywi

- Ken Day

Dark Tales from the Woods

- Daniel Morden

First Language

- Mary Lloyd Jones

Kyffin in Venice - An Illustrated Conversation

- David Meredith

Legend and Landscape of Wales: The Mabinogi

- John K. Bollard, Anthony Griffiths

More Welsh Journeys

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Offa's Dyke: A Journey in Words & Pictures

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The Neath and Brecon Railway - A History

- Denis Dunstone, Gwyn Briwnant Jones, Tudor Watkins

Private Views of Snowdonia (h/b)

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Welsh Journeys

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Eternal Wales

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Across the Straits - An Autobiography

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The Best of Breeds: A History of Welsh Black Cattle

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The Church Warden

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Magic Harbours

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Dudley: Cook up a Treat

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The Welsh Classics Series:1. Dafydd Ap Gwilym - Poems

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River Map

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The Legends of King Arthur

- Rhiannon Ifans
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Cyntaf < > Olaf