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Swansea and the Second World War

- Bernard Lewis

A Church Near You in Wales

- Denis Dunstone

On Dragons' Wings

- Martin Wade

Coal and Community in Wales - Images of the Miners' Strike: before, during and after

- Richard Williams, Amanda Powell

Where the Saints Came From - On Pilgrimage in Wales and Beyond

- Anne Hayward

Wales: 100 Records

- Huw Stephens

Pity the Swagman - The Australian Odyssey of a Victorian Diarist

- Bethan Phillips

Up the Rhondda!

- John Geraint

Wales in World War 2

- Quentin Deakin

Tryweryn: A New Dawn?

- Dr Wyn Thomas

Gallant Little Wales

- David Jones


- Christine Purkis

Charles and the Welsh Revolt

- Arwel Vittle

Welsh Saints from Welsh Churches

- Martin Crampin

An Uprooted Community: A History of Epynt

- Herbert Hughes

The Lord Rhys - Prince of Deheubarth

- Roger Turvey

Dr Henry Hicks (1837-99)

- Dyfed Elis-Gruffydd

Pub Life

- Peter Roberts

In Pursuit of Twm Carnabwth

- Hefin Wyn

The Campaigns of Margaret Lloyd George - The wife of the Prime Minister 1916-1922

- Richard Rhys O'Brien
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