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Grav yn ei Eiriau ei Hun

- Ray Gravell

Welsh Rugby in the 1970s

- Carolyn Hitt

The Final Whistle

- Nigel Owens

How Wales Beat the Mighty All Blacks

- James Stafford

The Greatest Lions XV Ever

- Jonathan Davies

Great Rugby Moments

- Gareth Edwards, Alun Wyn Bevan
£19.99 £12.99

JJ Williams: the life and times of a rugby legend (hb)

- J. J. Williams, Peter Jackson

The Greatest Scarlets XV Ever

- Phil Bennett, Alun Wyn Bevan

The Greatest Welsh Tries Ever

- Gerald Davies

The Red Dragons: The Story of Welsh Football (hb)

- Phil Stead

Proud to be a Swan (hardback)

- Geraint H. Jenkins

Wales Play in Red - The Rugby Diaries of Carolyn Hitt

- Carolyn Hitt

The Greatest Welsh XV Ever

- Eddie Butler

Welsh Rugby Captains

- Alun Wyn Bevan

Half Time (hardback)

- Nigel Owens

Roberto: Kicking Every Ball

- Roberto Martinez

There's Only 2 Tony Cotteys

- Tony Cottey, David Brayley