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Vicar Joe's Religious Joke Book

- Kevin Johns

Wacky Wales

- Colin Palfrey

Golfing Jokes

- Dilwyn Phillips

More Welsh Jokes

- Dilwyn Phillips

The Half-Tidy Book of Welsh Jokes

- Huw James

Cwmtwp: Gossip From the Valleys

- David Jandrell

The A-Z of Welsh Rugby

- Richard Rowe

Rugby Trip Stories

- David Jandrell, Matthew Tucker

Hospital Jokes

- Dilwyn Phillips

The Jenkins's's's's's

- Chris Needs

Welsh Jokes

- Dilwyn Phillips

100 Cracking Jokes

- David Jandrell

Welsh Wit and Wisdom

- Aubrey Malone

Welsh XXX Jokes

- Miles Jeffreys

Freeloading Cymru

- Tony Millin

Welsh Valleys Characters

- David Jandrell

Celtic Jokes

- Dilwyn Phillips

Random Deaths and Custard

- Catrin Dafydd
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Cyntaf < > Olaf