Simon Easterby. Tough. Uncompromising. A ferocious flanker. Beasterby, to call him by his nick name. A man who has a reputation for body-on-the-line rugby as many an opponent has found out to their cost and as the injuries he's suffered himself testify. Simon is Ireland's most capped flanker, and he's captained the Scarlets Welsh region for 5 consecutive seasons.
Born in Yorkshire to an English father and Irish mother, he was educated at the prestigious Ampleforth College, the largest mixed Catholic boarding school in the UK (he was there the same time as Lawrance Dalaglio); known as the Catholic Eaton - a college hit by scandal of abuse by monk.
After retiring from rugby last year, Simon is now coaching with the Scarlets and is very much involved in the game. This will be an honest autobiography by one of the most popular forwards who's played in Wales - someone who has a lot to say about the Welsh and Irish professional game.