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A picture of 'Breuddwyd Roc a Rôl - Hunangofiant Cleif Harpwood (elyfr)' by Cleif Harpwood, Elinor Wyn Reynolds
A picture of\'Breuddwyd Roc a Rôl - Hunangofiant Cleif Harpwood (elyfr)\'
ISBN: 9781800993457
Price: £7.99
Format: E-book (EPUB)
Language: Welsh

Breuddwyd Roc a Rôl - Hunangofiant Cleif Harpwood (elyfr)


Autobiography of the front man of ground breaking 70s rock Welsh group, Edward H Dafis. As well as stories about the band and his career as a TV director, Cleif Harpwood shares personal stories about his regrets and his divorce.

ISBN: 9781800993457
Price: £7.99
Format: E-book (EPUB)
Language: Welsh