The Rise of the Welsh Republic (e-book)(PDF)
The Welsh Republic has been born. But this is no puppet government born of phoney 'devolution'. This Wales is a newly established sovereign state whose sole aim is- SURVIVAL.
Could such a Wales survive in today's hostile world and in the coming 'Age of Scarcity'? In this remarkable book the author provides a detailed 'model' - in effect a Ten Year National Plan - of how a dedicated Welsh Government could guarantee its economic and political survival.
This 'model' is built up logically and thoroughly, beginning with basic economic problems but finally embracing the whole gamut of national life, including Education and a Welsh Army.
But to create a model is one thing: to actually make it work quite another. This will require idealism and complete commitment. The author, knowing this, has infused his writing with these very qualities.
Unquestionably this ambitious work is a landmark in Welsh political thought and is bound to become the centre of extreme controversy. No Welshman can afford to ignore its challenge, especially today when the National Movements of Wales and Scotland are advancing rapidly, forcing changes that already affect us all.