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Poetry for Children

The Grimpots

- Gilly John

Santa's Greatest Gift

- Tudur Dylan Jones

A Wee Bit of Trouble

- Mike Church

Three Little Sheep

- Rob Lewis

A Child's Book of Poems - All Through the Year


A Gift for Saint David's Day

- Amrywiol

Dragon Days

- Brett Breckon

Barti and Bel Look for a Book

- Suzanne Carpenter
£4.99 £2.00

Second Thoughts - Teachers' Book

- Neil Nuttall
£9.99 £4.00

One Busy Book

- Francesca Kay

One Busy Book (Big Book)

- Francesca Kay

Poems for Underage Thinkers

- Mike Jenkins

Rapping on the Window

- Chris S. Stephens

Star in the Custard

- Nicola Davies

Second Thoughts - Poems for Children

- Neil Nuttall, Andy Hawkins

Ghostly Riders

- Phil Carradice
£4.95 £2.00

The Animal Wall and Other Poems

- Gillian Clarke

The Poet's House - An Anthology of Poems

- Jude Brigley

Hoppers Series: Look Out! - Poems for Children

- Andy Hawkins, Neil Nuttall

Thoughts like an Ocean - The Teachers' Book, Notes and Prompt Sheets

- Neill Nuttall, Andy Hawkins
£6.95 £2.00
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