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No Bones Jones

- Hugh Jones, Mark Jones

Bwyd Beca / My Food

- Beca Lyne-Pirkis

Rarebit & Rioja: Recipes and wine tales from Wales

- Dylan Rowlands, Llinos Rowlands

Welsh Calendar Cookbook

- Gilli Davies

Welsh Country Cookery

- Bobby Freeman

The Welsh Cheese Book - Mouth-Watering Recipes

- Angela Gray

The Wright Taste - Recipes and Other Stories

- Simon Wright
£19.99 £5.00

A Book of Welsh Bakestone Cookery

- Bobby Freeman

First Catch Your Peacock

- Bobby Freeman

A Book of Welsh Soups and Savouries

- Bobby Freeman

Welsh Cheese Recipes

- Justin Rees

Dudley: Cook up a Treat

- Dudley Newbery

A Book of Welsh Fish Cookery

- Bobby Freeman

Celtic Cookbook

- Helen Smith-Twiddy

Welsh Organic Recipies

- David Frost, Barbara Frost

A Book of Welsh Bread

- Bobby Freeman

Welsh Dishes

- Rhian Williams

A Book of Welsh Country Puddings and Pies

- Bobby Freeman

The Welsh Table

- Christine Smeeth

Welsh Salad Days

- David Frost, Barbara Frost
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