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Llun o Brett Breckon

Brett Breckon

If you want to find Brett Breckon from Roch near Haverfordwest, you could try looking for him in one of three places - on the beach with his surfboard, paddling his kayak or in his studio quietly painting. He says that 'at a very young age, I loved to make pictures. They were often inspired by my dreams, wishes or fantasies. Ever since then, I've never really stopped drawing, painting and making things. Art has always been a passion.'




- Bethan Gwanas

Hosan Nadolig


Teigr yn y Gegin

- Hywel Griffiths

A Treasury of Welsh Heroes


Tree of Leaf and Flame

- Daniel Morden

A Miracle for David - Patron Saint of Wales

- Steffan Lloyd
1-6 o 17 1 2 3
Cyntaf < > Olaf