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Llun o David Meredith

David Meredith

David Meredith is the author of Kyffin in Venice (Gomer, 2006) and Kyffin Williams: His Life, His Land (Barddas, 2010) and co-author of Obsessed: The Biography of Kyffin Williams with John Smith (Gomer, 2012). His autobiographical volume Pwy Fase'n Meddwl was also published by Gomer in 2002. As Head of Press and PR at HTV and S4C, David Meredith worked with Sir Kyffin on several artistic projects. He was the first Fellow of BAFTA Cymru and received a Royal Television Society award for his contribution to broadcasting in Wales. He lives in North Wales in the old county of Meirionnydd.


Kyffin Dan Sylw / Kyffin In View

- David Meredith

Obsessed - The Biography of Kyffin Williams

- David Meredith, John Smith

Kyffin in Venice - An Illustrated Conversation

- David Meredith