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Llun o Cat Weatherill

Cat Weatherill

Cat Weatherill performs at storytelling and literature festivals both in the UK and abroad. She has enjoyed many sell-out shows at The Guardian Hay Festival, and appeared at the Barbican in London. Her international work includes the prestigious Festival dメAutomne in Paris and Graz Tales in Austria. She also performs in arts centres, theatres, schools, museums, castles, woods and libraries, and in village venues under the National Rural Touring Scheme. On television, Cat has been a guest presenter on Carlton Televisionメs Heart of the Country, and on radio she has performed live for two million listeners on Radio 4メs Front Row. She has also appeared on The Verb (Radio 3) Go 4 It (Radio 4) and The Big Toe Show (Radio 7) Jaco the Leek is her first publication with Pont Books. She has previously published Barkbelly, Snowbone and Wild Magic with Puffin.



Where Magic Hides

- Cat Weatherill