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Llun o Mary Medlicott

Mary Medlicott

Mary Medlicott is a hugely experienced storyteller. Since the early 1980s she has carried out numerous residences in schools, libraries, community and day centres in England and Wales, including with Primary and Secondary children, adults with learning disabilities, elderly people and children in the Early Years. She has also worked widely abroad, including in Ireland, Scotland, South Africa, New Zealand, America and Tobago. She particularly enjoys helping others to become storytellers and has led many training courses for teachers, librarians, parent groups and other storytellers. She devised the TV series, 'By Word Of Mouth', and has compiled several children's books including the novels Open Secret and Elephant Luck, with Pont Books. She has appeared on TV and in educational videos, including for the National Oracy Project, and has been Chair of the Society for Storytelling. She has conducted numerous projects with musicians and visual artists and works from bases in London and her native Pembrokeshire. Her repertoire is formed from traditional stories from many cultures including Wales. In workshops, she links the traditional tale with personal stories and storymaking.



Shemi's Tall Tales

- Mary Medlicott

Open Secret

- Mary Medlicott