Authors A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Search by author G Ed Gold Ed Gold took his first photograph at the age of eight, and has carried a camera with him ever since. Born in London ... READ MORE Che Golden READ MORE Eva Goldsworthy Eva Goldsworthy was born in South Wales but spent most of her life in London as a mathematics teacher. Eva Goldsworthy died in 2010.... READ MORE Golwg READ MORE Peter J. R. Goodall READ MORE Pippa Goodhart READ MORE Jolyon Goodman READ MORE Ian Gough READ MORE Kevin Gournay READ MORE Jon Gower A former BBC Wales arts and media correspondent, Jon Gower is much in demand as a producer, presenter and public speaker, and ... READ MORE 41-50 of 121 1 . . . 4 5 6 . . . 13 First < > Last