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A picture of Mererid Hopwood

Mererid Hopwood

Mererid Hopwood lives in Carmarthen with her family and teaches at Trinity St David University. In her spare time she loves writing stories and poems and enjoys camping and cycling...when the weather allows.



Singing in Chains - Listening to Welsh Verse

- Mererid Hopwood

Yr Apêl / The Appeal

- Mererid Hopwood, Jenny Mathers

Cyfres Amdani: Agor y Drws - 6 Stori i ddysgwyr

- Lois Arnold, Elin Meek, Cynan Llwyd, Mared Lewis, Mererid Hopwood, Meleri Wyn James

Nes Draw

- Mererid Hopwood

Poets Graves/Beddau'r Beirdd

- Damian Walford Davies, Mererid Hopwood

Morgan y Merlyn a Cai

- Fran Evans
(Translation: Mererid Hopwood)
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