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A picture of Arwel Vittle

Arwel Vittle

Arwel was nurtured in Carmarthenshire, and was educated in Rhydfelen Comprehensive School and Bangor University. He now works and lives as a translator in Arfon.


Charles and the Welsh Revolt

- Arwel Vittle

Dim Croeso '69

- Arwel Vittle

Llyfr Mawr LOL: Hanner Canrif o Hiwmor, Enllib a Rhyw

- Arwel Vittle

I'r Gad - Hanner Canrif o Brotestio dros y Gymraeg (clawr caled)

- Arwel Vittle

I'r Gad - Hanner Canrif o Brotestio dros y Gymraeg (clawr meddal)

- Arwel Vittle

Cythral o Dân

- Arwel Vittle
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